When I first heard "The Last Call," I automatically thought of the Roleplay. So when Christmas break rolled in and I had free time, I started this. I already knew I had to end it like our original roleplay, so our last posts are at the end.
Now I have a real treat for you, I started the next chapter of Mistakes and Promises. I want to get it done by the end of break, but I cannot guarantee it because...well...you know me and my lengthy editing periods. So to keep you waiting for more, I have created one of the pictures from Violet's present to Skyla. It was the scrapbook in chapter one. From left to right: Skyla, Lexie Patterson, and Lavender Patterson. Check out Extras for more!

I finally rewrote the first chapter of Mistakes and Promises! I will try to get the next chapters out every week or so. Please remember to comment!
I also started working on the posters for the Hogwarts Role Play on Smallworlds.com! They are all posted on my flickr account and will be posted here too!
Check back next time!